Okay! So we just had another snow storm in the Chicago area. Just when I thought spring time was finally here.  I was already starting to be excited by the possibility of the plants, my dear friends, coming back to my garden and surrounding areas! This spring time snow reminds me of my first winter here after becoming a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

I still remember that first winter season here in Glen Ellyn after opening my PSM healing practice.  I actually felt hugely sad because my plant friends were going away, they were going to sleep for a while. During a plant journey, one of the plant spirits actually told me they were still with me, their medicine as potent as ever … but they were going to their sacred lodges to replenish and sit in their councils. I loved this image and it helped me a great deal.

When plants sleep in winter, can their medicine still heal us?

The answer to this question is yes, of course! The plant spirits still heal us potently and abundantly because for spirit there is no time, no space, no limitation. And by the way, this is also why sometimes my clients do not receive as many direct answers to their questions as they would like. It is because we PSM healers like keeping things in the realm of heart, spirit and possibility when we work.  The mind is powerful. The mind wants information, control, limitation. However, spirit knows no such bounds. When a plant spirit is called upon to provide their healing to a client, they do that and then so much more. Plant Spirit Medicine transcends anything we can conceive, limit or think of. And after all, don’t you find this to be wonderfully freeing? Wonderfully magical?

And still, as a season, winter has its own energy of depth, replenishment and a slower pace. My dear PSM colleague in Los Angeles, Courtney Shelburne, can of course continue conducting her plant studies and journeys during the winter months; yet, as you can see on her blog, she also recognizes and feels winter as a time to slow down and replenish.

Today the snow fall brings memories of my plant friends going to their sacred lodges. It is good. It is an opportunity to consider the many blessings and nourishment of this most recent winter season — also an opportunity to get ready to welcome spring in all its glory and with all my heart!